Why Online Tutoring?
Online tutoring is a great option for busy families: your child receives instruction at home, cutting out commute time, and freeing you up, while your student receives the help they need! With the Hoffman Group, setting up online tutoring is easy; after the first few sessions, most students can even handle logging on with minimal help. Online tutoring has come a long way. With Hoffman Group, our tutoring is not a boring adult holding up a dry erase board and talking at your child. We use an interactive model that invites your child to participate in the session. Our interactive resources are geared for the subject and child, and include virtual, shared dry erase boards where the tutor and your child can both write, virtual math manipulatives, and fun games.

Choose online tutoring because it’s simple to setup and fits into your schedule. Choose the Hoffman tutoring group because we want to do more than help your student get better at math. We want to help your student gain confidence and the skills to continue their math growth throughout their lifetime.
How Does It work?
Your child will meet with their tutor on a platform called Zoom. Zoom allows the tutor and your child to video chat while sharing, interacting, and writing on each other's screens. This platform allows the tutor to present lesson materials, games, and other interactive activities on their screen that both can write on and manipulate. The vast amount of resources available online allow us to engage your child in many of the same learning activities an in-person tutor might use, as well as fun and engaging activities only available online. Want to see first hand how online tutoring works? Check out the video below!

A computer or laptop with high speed internet connection and a mouse must be available for student use.
Student must have basic computer and typing skills.
Computer must be able to download the Zoom program, so that we can connect and work online.
A functioning microphone and camera is needed so that we may connect.

How Online Tutoring Works
What parents love
"We love that we do not have to try to load up and get out the door in time to meet someone. We love that we can do it in the comfort of our own home, with fewer distractions than what we would have in a public setting."
- Parent of 3rd Grader
"Online tutoring works so well for our family! It gives my daughter the support she needs without me having to pack up my other two very young children and keep them quiet for an entire session. They are allowed to go on with their morning without much interruption in our routine." - Parent of 4th Grader